What is a Rule of Life?
A Rule of Life is a framework which gives us support in our Christian lives.
At the heart of Gloucester Cathedral Community's Rule of Life is our Cathedral's vision that as a community and as individuals we seek to live in tune with heaven and in touch with daily life.
Our Rule pays special attention to five Benedictine 'rules' or rhythms of life - prayer, study, work, re-creation and hospitality - which hold our lives in balance. Each person will decide exactly how much and what they will commit to in response to the Rule, so what each of us actually does will be different, but we will have in common the framework of our Rule. This will help us to keep our lives in balance as we seek to ‘grasp the heel of heaven’ whilst keeping firmly in touch with the world around us.
For more information about our Rule of Life, scroll down this page or click on the button below to download our guide.
Rule of Life
Living the values of the Gospel in the way we encounter people, offer them welcome, time and space, listen to them and build relationships through conversation and loving action.
‘Let everyone that comes be received as Christ, for he himself will say: I was a stranger and you welcomed me' - Rule of St Benedict, chapter 5
Attending to our rhythm of life and allowing times for retreat, rest and refreshment, individually and socially, that we might find creativity, contentment and inspiration.
Some people find that Quiet Days and Retreats are helpful. For examples, click on the links below:
‘So God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it, because on it God rested from all the work that he had done in creation.’ Genesis 2:3
Seeking to exercise our God-given time and talents for the common good in work, whether paid or unpaid; giving integrity to our Christian calling in the way we carry out our work and in the way we relate to those around us.
'Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.’ Steve Jobs
Taking time, both individually and with others, to nurture our discipleship, reflecting on our life and experiences, and discovering deeper meaning in the riches of Christian writing, art and music.
Gloucester Cathedral runs regular programmes of study. Click here for further information about community activities.
‘Then after their meal they will devote themselves to their reading or to the psalms.’ Rule of St Benedict, Chapter 48
Seeking to develop and sustain a pattern of personal and corporate prayer and worship that honours God and deepens our relationship with God and one another.
Check out the prayer links below for inspiration:
• Church of England: Join us in Daily Prayer
• Northumbria Community: Daily Prayer
• Gloucester Cathedral services
An interesting book:
• Praying through Life: How to Pray in the Home, at Work and in the Family, Stephen Cottrell
’Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tyre?’ Corrie ten Boom
A Rule of Life is a framework which gives us support in our Christian lives.
St Benedict lived in the Sixth Century AD
A growing movement which you are invited to explore
How our Rule of Life evolved.