Choristers take on fundraising challenge
In a team effort, the Gloucester Cathedral and King’s School Choristers are set to walk an impressive 111km along the iconic Cloisters of the Cathedral. This is approximately equivalent, as the crow flies, to the distance between the three cathedrals who make up the Three Choirs Festival - Gloucester, Hereford and Worcester - plus the distance back to Gloucester again. The challenge will take place across three Saturdays in June (3, 10 and 24 June), with both Girl and Boy Choristers participating, all of whom are aged between 8 and 14.
Their aim is to raise funds to support the Cathedral’s Music Department; music has been part of this spectacular building for almost 1000 years, and today the Choristers play an essential role in worship, concerts and events. They receive a world-class musical education under the expert eye of the Cathedral’s musicians and make lifelong friends along the way. Choristers attend the King’s School, which is situated in beautiful grounds adjacent to the Cathedral and offers children an excellent academic education alongside a range of co-curricular activities and outstanding pastoral care. The Cathedral also has a number of other voluntary and affiliated choirs, which provide the opportunity for people of all ages to come and sing together.
However, considerable funds are required to ensure this musical tradition can continue. Adrian Partington, Director of Music at Gloucester Cathedral, said:
“The excellence of our professional choirs and the accessibility of our other choirs is wonderful, but maintaining them is only possible with regular financial support. We simply could not offer all that we do without the generous donations of a growing number of people who value the singing and music making that help to bring this ancient and spiritual place to life.”
Each participant has been set the challenge of raising £250, which is equivalent to the cost of a new set of robes for each chorister. All proceeds raised will go towards the Cathedral Music Department’s core costs, including replacing robes, preserving ancient music and daily singing tuition.
Please consider supporting our choristers in raising funds for this important cause – donations of all sizes are greatly appreciated.
Click on the button below to visit the JustGiving page, where you can make your donation.
DonateThank you for your support, and good luck to all those taking part!