Friends Day 2024

Saturday 6 July, from 1pm

Each year the Friends host an exclusive event for all their members, and it is always a highlight in the Cathedral calendar. It's an opportunity for members to come together in the magnificent surroundings of this building to enjoy world-class music and fascinating talks. This year it is taking place on Saturday 6 July, and the day will be as follows:

1.00pm: AGM in the Chapter House

2.00pm: "The organ at Gloucester - the Cathedral's heartbeat". A talk by Jonathan Hope, Assistant Director of Music, Gloucester Cathedral given in the Chapter House

3.00pm: Concert by Gloucester Cathedral's boy and girl choristers in the Lady Chapel, conduced by Nia Llewelyn Jones

from 3.30pm: Time to relax and socialise in the Chapter House (Tea and cake* will be provided for those who have purchased refreshment tickets - see 'extras' on the booking form)

4.30pm: Choral Evensong in the Quire

This event is free, although there is a charge for tea. All members of the Friends are warmly welcome, along with a guest.

Please book your ticket by clicking on the button to the right of this page.

July 6, 2024
Chapter House
Adult £5
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