Crafts that built the Cathedral: Stained glass making workshop

Sunday 9 March, Sunday 16 March, Saturday 7 June, 10am

Join experienced local stained glass artist Cathy Steed in the Cathedral's medieval Learning Hub for a full day's stained glass making workshop.

Gain an understanding and appreciation of the stained glass in Gloucester Cathedral and the skills that went into making it. The workshop is suitable for complete beginners.

Discover the techniques of leaded glass. Each participant will make a leaded stained glass panel to take home, inspired by the shields in Gloucester Cathedral's East Window. Participants will make a simple stained glass piece using pre-drawn shapes and designs inspired by the shields in the Great East Window of Gloucester Cathedral. There are 4 designs to choose from.

The workshop will last 6 1/2 hours plus a 30 minute break for lunch. You may wish to bring a packed lunch with you.

After a brief introduction to leaded stained glass and a description of the different processes involved, the participants will`;

• Choose a design and glass

• Learn to cut glass

• Cut the glass shapes for the design

• Cut lead and fit the glass

• Solder the lead joins and fix hanging loops (the loops will be soldered on by the tutor)

• Use leaded-light cement to strengthen the piece and make it watertight

• Clean off the excess cement and polish

At the end of the session you'll be able to take your piece home or feature it in our summer exhibition which will highlight the heritage skills and community-created artwork. If you choose to have your work displayed, it will be returned by post after the exhibition.

Tickets are £200, book by clicking the 'Book Now' button.

Health and safety considerations:

Workshops are suitable for complete beginners over the age of 18. Please do not bring any under 18s to the workshop.

Participants will be shown how to handle glass carefully and will be provided with disposable gloves though wearing them would be a personal choice.

FFP3 disposable face masks will be available and their use encouraged. Lead is a toxic substance and participants will be asked not to eat while handling the lead or put their hands in their mouths.

Protective masks and eyewear should also be worn for other processes, especially where small particles or fumes are in the air.

Pregnant and breastfeeding people should not handle lead.

All participants are asked to wear closed shoes and not sandals. It is also preferable to wear long trousers and leave dangly earrings at home as these can get tangled up with masks.

This workshop takes place in our Learning & Participation Hub, the classroom space is up two flights of stairs. Unfortunately, due to the historic nature of the building we are unable to provide level access to the workshop space.

March 9, 2025
Adult £200
Book Now